The Spiritual Warrior


11 thoughts on “The Spiritual Warrior

  1. H3nry J3kyll

    Thanks for stopping by hgd and deciding to come aboard. You’ve created a great bit of cyberspace and it’s cool to connect.
    Enjoyed this post. It reminds me of an old saying I once encountered: Defeat your foes to become strong, defeat yourself to become fearless.


    1. the alchemist Post author

      Defeat your foes to become strong, defeat yourself to become fearless.
      And once we become fearless there is nothing to stop us.
      I visited your blog your post Mind over matter was excellent.


  2. Pingback: Moral Codes of Buddhism | antryump

  3. Pingback: The last words from buddha | antryump

  4. Pingback: Gautama Buddha’s way to end suffering | antryump

  5. jeanw5

    I would like to believe that spiritual warriors armed themselves with compassion, understanding, and awareness. Then they would have nothing to kill, not even passion, lust, hatred, or ignorance. Perhaps these emotions are no more (or less) than extremes of survival instincts that our ideal spiritual warrior has learned to recognize within his or her own psyche, in form or potential.
    This is not passivism, but requires courage to fight physical battles, if necessary, to protect self and others from abuse, but aware that the so-called enemy she or he must fight is a victim of uncontrollable emotions because of an inability to understand them.
    You speak true in the Zen message of a spiritual warrior in that the enemy is within us; self-ignorance, for if we understood the ultimate oneness of all individual selves we would accept the others’ weakness as our own.
    I don’t plan on getting to that point during this lifetime.
    Perhaps others will.
    Good luck.


  6. nikeyo

    Thank you for the recent follow on my blog. =) Would love to hear what drew you to it.

    You share a nicely eclectic gathering of thoughts. I am more inclined towards philosophy than spirituality, so I do hope you share some more again in that section! Spirituality is ones choice and path, philosophy is an ongoing discussion amongst each other. I find it difficult to comment on the former, personally.


  7. harrisandyou

    Thank you for stopping by my blog You have found meaning in life through great poetry. I am glad I found your blog…it has been a long time since I read The Prophet and other works by Kahil Gibran and Rumi, etc.



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